2014年11月25日 星期二

To Live - Draft of Final Project

Here is the video version of final project

Consider each short clip of video as a little flower, the whole story structure as the plant, starting from a growing roots, express personal response to each clips by hand drawing animation, in order to highlight the key element which I found vital and impressive. Only 3 scenes of animation are drawn, every keyword will have their own short clip of video.

Here is the interactive version of To Live (Processing)

1) Resolution of mov and png file? > file is too large > stability of process?
2) How to make the whole layout slides with different buttons? 

2014年11月24日 星期一

To Live - Another draft of video

Here is another draft of video

I would like to combine both text from the novel, and scene from the film together, also add personal modification, then to create new language and meaning of To Live. The text font seems too bright and not matches the black and white animation, so I am thinking whether place a texture behind the animation, make the color tone more warm, and style relates to Chinese tradition.

2014年11月23日 星期日

Assignment 8 More Sketches - Chinese traditional elements

I draw a frame with Chinese characteristics...still thinking 2 approaches 

a) The frame of the video, conclude video only, button of "keyword" places outside. 
b) The frame of whole work, both text and video image places inside

Inspiring from Chinese seal, which is used with red link, create the text by coping. I designed both Chinese and English version of seal, which are used as the button of "keyword". When the cursor stays inside the rectangle grid of text, video will play and loop, until the cursor moves away.

2014年11月22日 星期六

Assignment 8 Sketches of Final Project

Sketch A - 

Every clips of film as one component, reorganize those fragments according to "keyboard". Showing the graph of plot line temporarily, zoom in every keyword to see the data is stored inside. Here is the testing of beginning and transition, which consists of 2 keywords, "Gambling" and "Shadow Puppetry".

Sketch B -

Apart from selecting certain length of movie clip as each component, I would like to explore the alternative of expressing the story of "To Live". Developing the idea of "tracing", I draw 6 frames per second frame by frame to recreate the visual image of the story, surprisingly, simple back stroke of line gives a sense of pure, spontaneous and personal. 

When the hand drawn image is animated, it gives the experiences of transformation, step by step to tell the story. Below is the video of keyword "Leave", which about Jianzhen is leaving Fugui.

2014年11月6日 星期四

Assignment 7 To Live

Developing from Zhang Yimou film, To Live, which based on a novel of Yu Hua’s To Live. Visualize the plot line, climax and narrative structure of the story of To Live, the interface is similar to the electrocardiography, showing the relation between intensity, character and time, will be displayed like a long reel. Also, the shaking words are restricted in the nearby area of graph, so the user has to zoom in and selected descriptive sentences first are broken down as single word.

1) When the mouse moves near left and right boundaries, reel will open show other part of the whole reel. Using if-statement and mouse position to make the graph slides back and fore when mouse moves specific area. 

2) When the mouse moves near top and bottom boundaries, user is able to zoom in to read all the text and zoom out to view the whole narrative structure.

3) When the mouse moves on it, separated word will back to its original place and sentence will reform. Create a class named letter, function shake() and original() to make the sentences separated to many words, and vibrate within specific area, when the mouse moves on specific  area, the words will stop shaking and back to original place, so the user can read the text.

4) When the mouse click on the larger vocabularies, an edited video clip of To Live will pop up. Using the Movie Class to insert the video, play() to play the video, and mousePressed() function to play video while the mouse button is pressed on the specific vocabulary.

a)Background responses to the position of mouse, plot related silhouette or shadow puppetry changes with visual effect fade in and fade out.
b)Show edited and rearranged video clip behind the graph.

c)Show floating Important element likes shadow puppetry, character behind.

Below is the draft of interface. Those repeated line represent many shaking text, user has to zoom in to read it.

2014年11月3日 星期一

Assignment 7 Idea Development

*Idea1 - June’s Almanac 

Referenced from most of Jason Nelson’s work, he always give away the control of work, let the audience to interact and engage in his work. So I would like to use flash driven game to create a video game, as the online platform to attract the player to play game while reading fiction at the same time. Similar to substitution engine we used before, in order to create a randomly generated story with many different combination while there is not conflict between each.

The interface is similar to Chinese Almanac. This work can forecast you fate in the future with hand drawn images and texts. The database is created and written by myself. I will translate part of text from Chinese Almanac, and add my own interpretation together.

*Idea2 - To Live

I love the famous Chinese literature of Yu Hua, To Live, Zhang Yimou directed a film based on the novel of To Live. I would like to visualize the dynamic plot into digital work with english translation text of To Live, also with some video clips. Still concerning whether those video clips are showing my response to specific text or using other existing related video clip. The interface will be shown by shadow puppetry, which is Chinese tradition of storytelling.

*Idea3 - 

Another idea is developing from “Careless girl and I”. I will continue to write the story between careless girl and I, mainly focus on the weird thing she created and I suffered…

(still developing)

Assignment 7 Translation Chain Exercise

The transition chain is English -> Indian -> Chinese -> English

*Latest Version (Result of combination of new English text and the original)

Careless Girl and I 

Excerpt from Raymond Carver, as the model of work.

This careless girl, an old friend of mine, she was studying overnight. Her latest iphone6 plus has been cracked. So she was waiting for an apple store website loading to purchase again. She calls me on FaceTime from MacBook air. Date was confirmed. She would go out by bus, a 30 minute trip, and I would meet her at the stop. She hadn’t seen me face-to-face since we both graduated from secondary school 2 years ago. But she and I kept in touch. We chat and mailed on Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger back and forth. I wasn’t cool about her visit. She was someone I knew since I studied in primary school. And her being careless bothered me. My idea of carelessness came from the comedy. In the comedy, the careless character made mistakes and created jokes. Sometimes they were teased by clever people. A careless man engaged in my art project was not something I look forward to.

That summer she needed a part time job. She didn’t have any chance. The job she was looking forward to apply during the semester break was in customer service officers of a shopping mall. I didn’t have any chance, either. But she was inviting me to apply this job with her, and I am hesitating. I have seen something on the job hunting website: RECRUITING RECEPTIONIST– Guiding the customers, and an email address. I mailed my CV, and she mailed application letter. I supposed to work with her all summer. However, she forgot to go interview. So I engaged the interview in the office of public relations department,  we hadn’t met during the whole summer finally. I sent a message to remind her, we would meet in Starbuck at 2pm.

1) English (Original Version)

Careless Girl and I 

Excerpt from Raymond Carver, as the model of work.

This careless girl, an old friend of mine, she was studying overnight. Her latest iphone6 plus has cracked. So she was waiting for an apple store website to start ordering again. She calls me on FaceTime from MacBook air. Data was confirmed. She would go out by bus, a 30 minute trip, and I would meet him at the stop. She hadn’t seen me face-to-face since we both graduated from secondary school 2 years ago. But she and I had kept in touch. We chat and mailed on Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger back and forth. I wasn’t cool about her visit. She was someone I knew since I studied in primary school. And her being careless bothered me. My idea of carelessness came from the comedy. In the comedy, the careless character made mistakes and created the joke. Sometimes they were teased by clever people. A careless man engaged in my art project was not something I look forward to.

That summer she had needed a part time job. She didn’t have any chance. The job she was looking forward to apply during the semester break was in customer service officers of a shopping mall. I didn’t have any chance, either. But she was inviting me to apply this job with her, and I am hesitating. I have seen something on the job hunting website: RECRUITING RECEPTIONIST– Guiding the customers, and an email address. I mailed my CV, and she mailed application letter. I supposed to work with her all summer. However, she forgot to go interview. So I engaged the interview in the office of public relations department. We hadn’t met during the whole summer. I sent a message to remind her, we would meet in Starbuck at 2pm.

2) Nepali

Careless केटी र म 

काम को मोडेल को रूप Raymond Carver देखि अंश,। 

यो लापरवाह केटी, मेरो एक पुरानो मित्र, त्यो रात अध्ययन भएको थियो। उनको नवीनतम iphone6 ​​प्लस cracked छ। त्यसैले त्यो एक एप्पल स्टोर वेबसाइट पर्खिरहेका थिए फेरि आदेश सुरु गर्न। त्यो MacBook हावा देखि FaceTime मलाई भनिएको छ। डाटा पुष्टि भएको थियो। त्यो बस, एक 30 मिनेट यात्रा गरेर बाहिर जानु थियो, र म स्टप मा उहाँलाई भेट्न थियो। उनले मलाई सामना-को-अनुहार हामी दुवै 2 वर्ष पहिले माध्यमिक विद्यालय देखि स्नातक देखि देखेका थिएनन्। तर उनी र म स्पर्श मा राखिएको थियो। हामी गफ र फिर्ता र अगाडी Whatsapp र फेसबुक दूत मा पठायो। म उनको भ्रमण बारे सुन्दर थिएन। त्यो म प्राथमिक स्कूलमा अध्ययन पछि म थाह थियो कसैले थियो। अनि उनको हुनुको लापरवाह मलाई पिरोल्न थाल्यो। लापरवाही मेरो विचार कमेडी आए। कमेडी मा, लापरवाह चरित्र गल्ती गरे र मजाक सृष्टि गर्नुभयो। कहिलेकाहीं तिनीहरूले मीठो मानिसहरूले सता थिए। मेरो कला परियोजना मा संलग्न एक लापरवाह मानिस म गर्न तत्पर कुरा थिएन। 

त्यो गर्मी त्यो एक भाग समय काम आवश्यक थियो। त्यो कुनै मौका थिएन। त्यो सेमेस्टर ब्रेक समयमा लागू गर्न अगाडी देख थियो जागिर एक सपिङ्ग मल को ग्राहक सेवा अधिकारी मा थियो। म त, कुनै पनि मौका थिएन। तर त्यो उनको यो काम लागू गर्न मलाई आमन्त्रित गरिएको थियो, र म झिझक छु। म काम शिकार वेबसाइट मा केहि देखेका छन्: भर्ती RECEPTIONIST- ग्राहकहरु Guiding, र एक इमेल ठेगाना। म मेरो CV भेज, र त्यो आवेदन पत्र पठायो। म सबै गर्मी उनको काम मानिन्छ। तर, त्यो साक्षात्कार जान बिर्से। त्यसैले म सार्वजनिक सम्बन्ध विभाग को कार्यालय मा साक्षात्कार लगे। हामी सारा गर्मी समयमा भेट भएको थिएन। म हामी 2 को मा Starbuck मा पूरा हुनेछ, उनको सम्झाउन सन्देश पठाए।

3) Chinese


這個粗心的女孩,我的一個老朋友,那天晚上他學習。他的最新iphone6 ​​Plus被破解。因此,它是一個蘋果商店的網站,並等待才能重新開始。有人告訴我說的MacBook Air的FaceTime。的數據中得到證實。公交車,30分鐘的車程走了,我和他見面時停止。他告訴我面臨到面,我們倆從高中畢業,從2年前曾見過。但他和我一直在聯繫。我們交談,來回發送的WhatsApp和Facebook Messenger的。我對他的訪問是美好的。小學畢業後,我知道,我只是其中之一。而他是不小心就開始煩我。我的想法來到疏忽喜劇。搞笑,紕漏和惡作劇的性格產生。有時,他們是甜蜜的人採摘。我的藝術項目涉及一個粗心的人,我不願意。 


4) English

Careless Girl and I 

Excerpt from Raymond Carver, as the model of work.

This careless girl, an old friend of mine, she was studying overnight. Her latest iphone6 plus has cracked. So she was waiting for an apple store website to start ordering again. She calls me on FaceTime from MacBook air. Data was confirmed. She would go out by bus, a 30 minute trip, and I would meet him at the stop. She hadn’t seen me face-to-face since we both graduated from secondary school 2 years ago. But she and I had kept in touch. We chat and mailed on Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger back and forth. I wasn’t cool about her visit. She was someone I knew since I studied in primary school. And her being careless bothered me. My idea of carelessness came from the comedy. In the comedy, the careless character made mistakes and created the joke. Sometimes they were teased by clever people. A careless man engaged in my art project was not something I look forward to.

That summer she had needed a part time job. She didn’t have any chance. The job she was looking forward to apply during the semester break was in customer service officers of a shopping mall. I didn’t have any chance, either. But she was inviting me to apply this job with her, and I am hesitating. I have seen something on the job hunting website: RECRUITING RECEPTIONIST– Guiding the customers, and an email address. I mailed my CV, and she mailed application letter. I supposed to work with her all summer. However, she forgot to go interview. So I engaged the interview in the office of public relations department. We hadn’t met during the whole summer. I sent a message to remind her, we would meet in Starbuck at 2pm.

2014年10月31日 星期五

Randomly select 26 vocabularies ( A - Z )

Ex. Select 26 vocabularies in alphabetical order randomly to create the story.

The classic orchestra concert ended, audiences stood and applauded.
He was barricaded by the crowd.
A sounds of cricket talking slightly.
He was alert and carrying a disinfectant.
Is the Ebola Epidemic spreading in this theatre?
Someone said Ebola is Nigerian political fraud.
He was greedy to occupy anything he wanted.
Took out the hammer from his backpack.
He was trapped indignantly.
The whole theatre as jumble as garbage dump.
He tear a piece of linen from an elegant lady.
She wore a mauve off the shoulder dress.
Angry smoke came out of her nostrils.
Her hair accessory looked similar to a tasty omelette.
When she glanced downward, he was noticed as paralyzed.
He afraid other queried his disability.
A reindeer carried him and flew away at an embarrassing moment.
She scalded herself by falling cup of hot coffee when the reindeer reached him.
His reindeer always so careless, he was begging for her tolerant.
She was standing underneath the floating reindeer.
There had been a vigorous argument between them.
A sound of the whistle was triggered.
A yacht was drifting in the air in the theatre.

2014年10月28日 星期二

Assignment 6 TwitterBot - idea development

Idea 1 - @IfYouAreInChina

Obviously, everyone know that  the Internet network is strongly restricted by Chinese government. @IfYouAreInChina is a bot, which simulates the circumstance of Internet server, people are only allowed to read part of the tweet. Random selected words will be transformed as gibberish, so people have to interpret the message by themselves while the meaning might be different from the original. 

1) Search the headline from category "political" of Google.news 
2) Choose and replace several words randomly
3) Tweet the transformed headline on Twitter 

Idea 2 - @FakeLuckyNumber

Nowadays, people like playing with lucky likes Monopoly, Bingo, Mark Six and betting on horses. No matter the game involve real money or not, the game seems giving a kind of satisfaction and excitement to the player. So @FakeLuckyNumber imitates a predictor, it simulates the format of Mark Six, the different is this bot will announce 7 number everyday instead of triple a week, so people might reference and compare the result from this predictive. No doubt that @FakeLuckyNumber must not give an exact result, but I guess some result would be similar to the real one, this bot kinda similar a game machine.

Idea 3 - @EmotionOfEmoji

People like using emoji instead type sometime when they are chatting on Facebook and whatsapp. It is quite funny that sometime you have no idea what to type, you can just use the emoji likes (^,^) . When the situation becomes more exaggerated, some people use all emoji to say something. don't know whether is it work or not. @ChattingWithEmoji can generate tweet based on the variety of tweet, however this machine don't know type, it will only response other tweet by using emoji. It is not total random, each emoji is associated with specific characteristics of word 
, for example, (:-D) represented for the word starts from "st". 

Idea 4 - @Right&Wrong

Inspired by @forgetmebot, it substitutes the phase "In case you missed it" with "never forget". Although the rule of substitution system is simple, the meaning of whole sentence is transformed. Therefore, I consider to play with the opposite, retweet the similar tweet with a opposite word. 

2014年10月21日 星期二

Assignment 5

A) Interest in TweetBot "NRA_Tally" - ref. https://mobile.twitter.com/nra_tally

It is quite weird that human is" brilliant" enough to design TweetBot, which can tweet or search for specific data while human cannot. The artist is allowed to design the specific restrictions like theme, coding and period of time, TweetBot is a funny autonomous program, although it has no stance, it always generate unpredictable results.

"NRA_Tally" is a data-driven bot, which based on the data of mass shooting. The most catchy thing is all the tweet start from a Number, which would refer to date, victim and location. It is impressive that this oppositional bot retweet something from existing data, this kind of performance seems reminding the audience the important element of those tradegies. National Rifle Association(NRA) aims at promoting public safety while American are allowed to own weapon as defense, however, when people concern the number of injuries, death, weapon and affected location, NRA_Tally seems presented as an opposite stance of NRA.

B) First draft of a work using Tweeter (groups with Fion and Yoki)

We would like to create an interactive work, which allows the user to input the first word as data, then the program would search for the sentence, which starts with the initial word. The selected sentence of tweet will be shown, then the last word of sentence would become an updated input continuously, program will search again, a work is infinite scrolling.

2014年10月13日 星期一

Assignment 4

A)     Reflection of Writing Machine Collective Exhibition

“Tracing is multiple”

Take different actions one by one, recording, collecting, analyzing and reconstructing the data. Controlled and monitored by the artists, digital technologies can generate a new form of literature, while both aesthetic and criticism are involved.

Vaulting Space, a collage work of re-examining 441 fragments of swordplay films from 1927 to 2011, clips are projected at 3-screen with spontaneous combination, while three images show different tendencies of motions. The artist transforms the existing database into a new piece of work by specific coding, explore the dimension of creating films. The Oulipo, the origin of potential literature, probably open a complete new field of art and literature. No doubt that there are many creative possibilities of art, this work gets rid of the mainstream, three act structure, it is totally generated by the rule of computation. This kind of work is similar to the rule of the puzzle, the players have to select and combine the correct puzzle, but the difference is this work requires the artist to decide the ideal combination of elements, the final outcome of work is unexpected, but the artist still has the motivation for designing the rule system.

B)     Writing Exercise – Careless Girl and I

Excerpt from Raymond Carver, as the model of work.

This careless girl, an old friend of mine, she was studying overnight. Her latest iphone6 plus has cracked. So she was waiting for an apple store website to start ordering again. She calls me on FaceTime from MacBook air. Data was confirmed. She would go out by bus, a 30 minute trip, and I would meet him at the stop. She hadn’t seen me face-to-face since we both graduated from secondary school 2 years ago. But she and I had kept in touch. We chat and mailed on Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger back and forth. I wasn’t cool about her visit. She was someone I knew since I studied in primary school. And her being careless bothered me. My idea of carelessness came from the comedy. In the comedy, the careless character made mistakes and created the joke. Sometimes they were teased by clever people. A careless man engaged in my art project was not something I look forward to.

That summer she had needed a part time job. She didn’t have any chance. The job she was looking forward to apply during the semester break was in customer service officers of a shopping mall. I didn’t have any chance, either. But she was inviting me to apply this job with her, and I am hesitating. I have seen something on the job hunting website: RECRUITING RECEPTIONIST– Guiding the customers, and an email address. I mailed my CV, and she mailed application letter. I supposed to work with her all summer. However, she forgot to go interview. So I engaged the interview in the office of public relations department. We hadn’t met during the whole summer. I sent a message to remind her, we would meet in Starbuck at 2pm.

C)     2nd Version of Exercise 3B with clear contradiction – The Things They Did

“The Things They Carried”, by Tim O’Brien, as the model of work.

The things they did were largely determined by Impulse. Among the impulses were exciting, joyful, nervous, worried, depressed, exhausted, blue, frightened and frustrated. Together, these emotions weighed so heavy mentally, depending upon the people’s mind or criminal experience.

Harry Hussain, who was talented, took many tough and bloody jobs, he was especially confident to finish his own duty.

Eric Evans, who practiced hunting, used pointed knife, silent gun and even iron wire he killed the dog of his neighborhood.

Sam Chan, who was timid, had rare friend, he was a part-time student, at the same time, as a bellboy working in the hotel.

They were met by fate.

Harry sponsored Sam to study since he was an orphan. Sam respected and loved this guardian.

Sam met Eric in the hotel, he sat quietly for a few hours and ordered two cups of coffee. Sam had an impression of Eric, because he tipped 100 dollars to him.

Harry lived alone, his only family is an adopted child and an old dog. One day, the dog was found death by suffocation, Harry was extreme broken-hearted.

Joanna Jackson, who was distressed, went to the office, opened those files on her desk. Harry Hussain, who was found bloodied near the scene of crime is now suspected of planned attacks. Eric Evans, who was suffering from stab wounds, moved to the nearby hospital for first aid. Sam Chan, who was the only witness, first noticed the criminal scene.

According to the confession, Sam Chan’s claimed that Eric Evan was attacking Harry Hussain with a knife, when Harry Hussain tried to escape and ran toward the exit, Eric Evan was chasing. Then, the door was suddenly closed. After the door was opened again, both were found injured.

Harry Hussain was in coma.

Eric Evans was certified death on the way to hospital.

2014年10月5日 星期日

Assignment 3 - Part B - Abandoned Mansion

Here is the link of "Abandoned Mansion"


// Not able to add sound effects into different group of millis()

// Facing Visual (simple moving motion eg. xpos++)
when using the code to load image and text for every 5 seconds randomly

2014年9月25日 星期四

Assignment 3 - Part A - Abandoned Mansion

Here are 2 short texts: (Paragraphs can be combined in one or more order)

"Abandoned Mansion" is inspired by Andre Govia’s series of photo, which is taken in a creepy abandoned places. (Reference: http://www.lovethesepics.com/2012/10/hauntingly-beautiful-abandoned-europe-meet-urbex-master-andre-govia/#more-6702)

Abandoned Mansion

Jessica and James are courageous and enjoying, they love exploring the mystery and abandoned mansion. One night, they decide to meet in the decrepit damaged house. They commit to meet at 1am, but Jessica always arrives earlier, the time is 12:30am. Jessica cannot wait anymore, she is looking forward to adventure in the house, so she chooses a door randomly, makes big strides forward. 

A little fabric, gray toy bear with large feet, a soft wool comb with the decorative sculpture of a horse’s head and some appealing accessories. Jessica guesses this elegant room belongs to a pretty young lady, although time passes, her belongings still hauntingly beautiful.

“Hey, come here, this carriage is remarkable classic European and elegant.”“Look on the wall closer, there is a photo frame.”“I guess this carriage was belonged to the little girl, who sits in the middle of the photo.”“There are many other frames behind.”“Look at this, the photo of a man’s portrait might be the host of this house.”

Suddenly, Jessica hears a sound of crushing, she is frozen by the scary tension. The bone-chilling coffins collapse and separate into two parts, more strange is the coffin is empty. No one knows why several coffins place in this house for a long time, but there is a terrifying tale, those corpses become vampires. They only return and sleep back in the coffin when the sun is rising.

James is searching for Jessica, he walk down a long abstruse curling stair.

James opens the bronze gate, he walks into a weird corridor like “Spooky abandoned children’s prison”, the wall is almost unbelievably creepy, bloody and disgusting liquid is dropping along the rough surface. When James keeps moving, but a faint light passes through those tattered window, there seems no exit of this distant corridor.

Another writing practice - Spirits are Unique

One day, “You are too generous! Be careful someone takes advantage of you.”, Cleverness reminds. “I don’t consider whether they treat me like I did, just wants to try my best to help people in need.” “Can you borrow me one thousand? I forgot to bring my wallet, Helpfulness.”, Carelessness worried and asked. No doubt that Helpfulness takes out her purse, gives two thousand to Carelessness. 

There is a village where all different spirits live together, such as Happiness, Doubtfulness, Euthanasia and Love. Various spirits have unique characteristics, Happiness is joyful, Doubtfulness always worries the future and Euthanasia loves facing and tackling challenges.

One day, Carelessness decides to invite all the spirits to his farewell party, they decide to left this village, where they have a great moment for a long time. He set the alarm at 7am at first, but he wakes up at 12pm. He grabs the key, takes the smartphone, wears his amazing jacket, open the gate and bustles to the wet market. When Carelessness arrives, he finds that the wallet left on the cloth, which he worn yesterday. Luckily, he meets and borrows money from Helpfulness, buy all the ingredient and returns to home successfully.

Helpfulness loves concerning each other. She is naïve and harmonious, all spirits enjoy playing with her, some wicked spirits take benefits from her without return and thank-giving. 

Cleverness grabs a sheet of paper, chooses a slightly sharp pencil, closes his eyes and plans for constructing a boat, he is intelligent and well organized. After considering material, tool and expenditure, Cleverness takes the checklist, finds a large and tough suitcase,  he is on the way to market.

It is announced that the nearby dam is damaged, water leaks out slowly. All spirits decide to construct boats to leave. Except for Love. Love is the only one who desires to stay until the last minute. When the village is almost flood, all spirits on board, Love finally asks for help. Carefulness was passing by Love in a broken boat with some tiny hole, which is fixed by several tapes. Love knows that his boat cannot carry her together, so she said nothing to Carefulness. 

A moment later, Richness was passing by Love in a remarkable boat. Love said, “Richness, can you help me?” Richness said, “No! My boat is full of gold and silver, there is no place for you.” Suddenly, a strange spirit said, “Come with me, Love!”, Love is surprised and joyful, that strange spirit takes her to the safe place and leave alone without saying a word. Love settles down and clears up her mind, she wonders why that strange spirit helps her. 

Love asks Cleverness, “Who is the strange spirit? I am confuse why he help me?”. “It is Time. Because only Time understands how valuable you are.”, Cleverness answered.

2014年9月14日 星期日

Assignment 2 - Writing Practice

Below stories are created for substitution engine - http://rednoise.org/wdm/substitutor/

Don’t Take Lift Alone

There was a famous|horrible|suspicious legend|tale|rumor in this shabby|odd|old building|edifce|mansion, a man|cleaner|security finished|did|ended searching|checking|monitoring every floor|offices|rooms, then took lift on 14th Floor, lift opened and closed. On next day, someone found|noticed|discovered he was dead|passed_out|killed with unknown|mysterious|strange cause|reason in the lift, and his watch stopped|freezed|remained on 3:15am . Therefore, none dared take lift alone after 3:15am, especially on 14th Floor. One night, Norman did|investigated|analyzed work|job|stuff as usual|normal|custumal, he was the only person in slightly|very|absolutely dark|quiet|silent office|workplace|environment, although he not reaaly scared|believed|trusted the legend|tale|rumor, he never left after 3:15am for safe. Norman|He was tireless|hardworking|smart, he always stayed|slept|worked in the office, which on 14th Floor. When Norman|he looked_at|glance|spotted the clock|watch|monitor, the time is 1:00am, workload|job|task was quite large|heavy|demanding, he kept focusing on his computer|monitor|files|iPad|laptop. Time flies, Norman drank|made|tasted a cup of  instant|high_class|burning coffee|tea|milktea, he back to his seat|position|place, the time is 2:00am. “Tik Tak Tik Tak Tik Tak…” , the time is 3:10am, Norman hasn’t noticed|watched the clock|time, but luckily|fortunately, he tried|prepared|decided to tidy_up|pack|wrap his bag|belongings|material|files. Norman|he left|hurried_out|escaped and locked the office’s door|entrance. Norman pressed lift button, lift door opened gently|slowly|quietly, he entered|got_in|went_into the dull|deadful|ghastly empty|hollow|vacent container|cuboid|tin. Then Norman pressed ground floor button, lift door closed, the number was decreasing|dropping|moving_downward on the monitor, “Whirr whirr whirr” fan was rotating|working|turning loudly|awfully|horribly on the top of lift|Norman’s_head, suddenly|unexpectedly|surprisingly, lift stopped at 4th Floor, he felt strange|odd|different, because seldom|rare|no people took lift so late except the security, lift door opened, a shadow|silhouette of person was standing|hiding in the darkness, so Norman could not figure|notice|see the person. “Do you take lift?”, Norman asked|said, he didn’t_know|questioned|confused why that person not came_in|took|entered lift, no answer|response|sound from that shadow|silhouette, Norman pressed the closed button. When the lift door almost closed fully|completely|wholly, “The lift is so crowded|full_of_people|overload”, the person said.

Another Writing Practice - Rainy Day

She|Jessica ran|walked away from her house, who might be the only person love her, but she decided|wanted|had to be alone, no more reliance|demand|support from her mother. The sky was strange|unexpected, shiny|bright|gleaming sun was gone too, rain started|began dropping|crying|falling heavily|slightly|abruptly. She|Jessica was_soaked|got_wet, her heart was confused|moody|frustrated as dark|blur cloud, she quickened|speeded_up|accerated her step and hid under playground_slide|tree. When she looked|glanced|viewed around this park|place|area, she remembered|recalled|thought the day father left|hurt|abandoned her without a reason|message|word.